Love is everything. It gives you something to live for and to die for; it gives you purpose and the more love you have the more purpose you find in life.
This week I taught my students about Valentine’s Day (accompanied with St. Patrick’s Day in some), and it has been the greatest experience here in China! Love…oh a wonderful thing called love makes an eternal difference. In my lesson I talked about St Valentine dying in the name of love, how we show love for each other in the America, and I had them write poems from their heart, giving stickers to the ones who would stand and read theirs aloud. As I listened to these teenagers testify the power of love in front of their peers, a sweet Spirit entered the room and I could feel Heaven pouring smiles upon these precious children on God.
These students live in a boarding school here in Yongzhou far from their families, only able to see their families on holidays, while their parents and grandparents pour everything into their education and depend on their success in the world for the future well-being of the entire family. So much rests upon the shoulders of these youngsters, and when it comes to boyfriends and girlfriends their parents and teachers forbid it because it could undermine their success in the world. To hear these students pour out their hearts for the love of their families, the forbidden romance for their secret sweethearts, and the fear of the pressures of the world, my heart cried with them. I cannot explain my tender experience except to say this: that our hearts became more unified in those classrooms, the Spirit was felt, and I could feel an added strength enter the room and see burdens being eased on the backs of these beautiful soldiers.
At the conclusion of the lesson, we all sang the famous song “My Heart Will Go On”, by Celine Dion. The Spirit in that classroom flooded out the windows, I am sure, when they got to the third verse and sang with all their hearts:
“You're here! There's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on.
We'll stay forever this way.
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on…”
Oh the power of love! The power of God’s love for His children is full, whole, encircling, enfolding, perfect, warm, enlightening, uplifting, strengthening, beautiful! Perhaps I have learned more from my students this week than they learned from me; to know that they felt the sweet Spirit of their Father above brings me the purest joy. Some of the students were even moved to tears, and others were beaming like Heaven. Oh I love these children so much!
The poems that the students wrote will be some of my personal souvenirs; they are my greatest tangible treasure here in China. I picked a few of my favorites, below:
“I want to tell a story,
A story about shmiley.
Do you know the meaning?
You will know. You will see.
The meaning is
‘See how much I love you’” (Crystal)
“I open up my wallet,
I find no money.
I open up my pocket,
I find nothing.
I open my heart,
I find you!” (Dawn)
“If you are alone,
I will be your shadow.
If you want to cry,
I will be your shoulder.
If you are happy,
I will be your smile.
Whenever you want a friend,
I will stand here waiting for you.” (Lucifer)
“The time is long,
The history is too.
But nothing can be longer
Than me as I love you.” (Jack)
“I want to fly,
But I have no wings.
But Mother gave me happiness and love.
They are more than wings,
And I will use them to fly.” (Price)
“I write your name in the beach,
The wave took it away.
I write your name in the sky,
The wind took it away.
I write your name in my heart,
And it will stay forever.” (Sophia)
“I always see you in my dreams,
But I don’t see you.
I can’t help missing you,
As you always stand in my heart.
Oh Mother, I am tired.
I want you to be near,
But I can’t always see you.
Maybe I should work hard,
Just for your love to me.” (Tina)
“There are 3 things I need:
The sun, the moon, and you.
The sun for the day,
The moon for the night,
And you forever.” (Kay)
Aren’t they just the most wonderful? I feel like a mother sometimes. One of my students came over to my apartment after my classes for the day were done (this week I’ve been sick so I didn’t go anywhere or do much), and she was feeling stressed and her family has problems, so we just sang together until she felt more relaxed and at peace, then when I said goodbye to her and gave her a hug, she said “You give me the feelings of my mother.” I love love. So much! It is the medicine for all wounds and the source of good.
Needless to say my classes made my week and have been etched in my heart for all eternity. I got sick probably over the weekend in Dong’an but it didn’t hit me until Monday. Through God’s grace I was able to have enough energy to teach my classes the way He intended them, and every day once classes were over I was drained. By Friday though, I was lively and healthy as a lark-there are miracles here in Ling Ling every day. I don’t think I could ever believe that God forgets about us, because He sure has remembered me every day this week and has taught me to see and be a part of so many blessings! Not too much else happened this week except students coming over and me being sick, but Madi and I did, with a lot of time, exploring, and patience, make some excellent jiaozi (dumplings), Oh, and Madi and I explored our beautiful campus and the forest around it a little bit. So that was our week! I can feel your prayers and I soon hope to feel some letters as well! :D Or maybe even a nice package with chocolate would…be…nice…haha, only if you want to. Thank you for all you do and your love! It makes a world of difference even a world apart.
For church this past Sunday (March 21st) we went to Shuangpai where Cierra and Shelby live. It’s always good to travel, but then it’s good to come home to Lil Ling Ling too. I love it here! This week I’m teaching about music genres, so that should be pretty awesome! Hopefully my kids love the classes as much as I do…haha. Life is the best!!! Sometimes I wish I could stay here forever…just the simple lives full of meaning, family unity, and peace is just beautiful.
Nikki trunky for her missionary and hiding; Madi, Me, and Sam making Jiaozi, our school and the forest behind it, a random pic of our moldy first attempt at dumplings, Shuangpai pics with Shelby and Cierra... Good times!
Nikki, So glad your Mom shared your blog with the "Sisterhood." You are amazing! What a tremendous experience you are having. I am so happy for you, and look forward to seeing you in July! Lots of love, Laura