Talent Show and Yangming Beauty
11:35 AM | Author: Nikki Checketts
I love my students so much! Because of all their exams, I have made the last few weeks monumental but not too overbearing, as they do have many other classes and exams for which to study. Before I went to Beijing and Xiamen, we had the “Make a Difference” week, and last week we had a Talent Show. I figured this would be a good way for them to feel more relaxed, use the compliments they learned a few weeks ago, and to also practice the confidence they have built up throughout the semester. Here they are almost terrified at times to practice English because many of them are smart but their English is the only thing they aren’t good at, so they feel a little embarrassed when they get the grammar wrong.
The Talent Show was a great success! It was so great to see students who have had a prominent fear of getting up in front of people singing or reading poetry or dancing, etc. in front of their peers. As classes we have bonded very close. They even tell me now who their boyfriends or girlfriends are, which shows substantial trust because they can’t even tell their parents or teachers without getting in trouble. The school is very serious about students not having a significant other in High School, but I always tell them I think it is a good thing, so as far as I care, I tell them they should. I know, maybe that’s very unteacherly-like to me, but I feel like they should have the opportunity to date before they get released into the university. Here in China, High School is much harder than the Universities, so when they get the freedom to date in a university, it is so awkward for them. They have spent their entire lives being pushed away from the opposite sex so in college they are just socially retarded. See, I’m doing them a favor. :P
The seriousness of me leaving is hitting my students. For their talents I have receives poems, essays, paper roses, pictures, all sorts of artwork and little gifts, and many students come up to the front of the class or catch me on my way out and tell me how much they love me and how they will always remember me for my “Make a Difference” lesson, for my smile, for the love they feel from me, and for all the time and effort I put into each class. The seriousness is starting to hit me too. I’ve started packing and wrapping up my time here. I am very sad to be leaving China. My students are my children and I feel like a terribly mother for leaving them. Yes, I know I cannot teach them even if I do stay here, but I would love to be here for them whenever they need me. I want to continue to provide a place for students to come and feel love, the Spirit, at peace, and like their life is important and they can live their dreams and have support.
After all the Talent Shows of the week, Madi, Sam, and I went to Shuangpai for the weekend. We got up very early to make it there by bus by 8am, and then a small van tour group guide and driver came to pick us up to hike Yangming Mountain, which is a very beautiful mountain here in Yongzhou. It has some good history, rocks, bridges, views, waterfalls. It truly was a very beautiful hike. We got to hike, dine there, go rafting, and receive free water bottles and hats for only 150 Yuan each (US $22~), and that’s including the hardcore windy roads there and back for 2 hours each way. Pretty awesome!
Oh I will miss China SO much!

Photo 1: A group from Class 344
Photo 2: God Bless You singing (that's his name)
Photo 3: Boyfriend and Girlfriend doing a duet together...awww.
Photos 4-5: Some gifts I was given
Photo 6: Singing together
Photo 7: Ian and Jake singing together
Photo 8: Tiger singing
Photo 9: Stella has a gorgeous voice and she's one of my best students.


Video 1: This is Knight, one of my beautiful students who is reading an essay she wrote about me: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc0MzAw.html
Video 2: A trio that turns into a sing-along: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc1MzI4.html
Video 3: Beginning belting out a tune: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc2MjYw.html
Video 4: Arean showing some King Fu skills: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc2MTUy.html
Video 5: Albert Einstein has a gorgeous, traditional chinese voice: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc3ODEy.html
Video 6: Doreme (Do re mi)-She's a singer: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc3OTgw.html
Video 7: Rock on, Mike: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc5NzY4.html
Video 8: Chase and Tom (I love Chase-I named him): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc5NjU2.html
Video 9: Rock on Mike: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTc5NzY4.html
Video 10: James jamming "Beat It": http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTgwNDI0.html
Video 11: A dance trio: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTgxMzY4.html
Video 12: A singing trio: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTgxNjg4.html
Video 13: Tiger reciting a very long English speech: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTg0NDgw.html
Video 14: Out Man and his gf singing a duet: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTg0NTg4.html
Video 15-17: Groups singing:
Video 18: I suppose drinking a whole carton of milk without breathing is a talent: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NTg1NjA0.html
Video 19: Awesome kung fu skills: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg0NjI4OTMy.html

Pic 1: A temple on Yangming Mt
Pic 2: Yangming
Pic 3: Drinking from the Temple Spring water. Best water I've had in all of China!
Pic 4: Madi and I in front of the mini temple pagoda
Pic 5: A Yangming Monk
Pic 6: Feeding the baby fish
Pic 7: The Temple
Pic 8: View from the temple
Pic 9: The squatters (Chinese bathrooms)

Photos 1-2: Yangming Mountain
Photo 3: Flower Protector
Photo 4: More Yangming
Photo 5: Leaving a Spark?
Photo 6: A Yangming Pagoda
Photo 7: A fun bridge
Photo 8: Madi and Sam exhausted from the hike
Photo 9: Bamboo forests-beautiful

Pic 1: A bridge on the Mt
Pic 2: Waterfall
Pic 3: Grass Huts
Pic 4: Taming the frog
Pic 5: Ultimate Jenga!
Pic 6: Rafting
Pic 7: One gorgeous bamboo forest
Pic 8: Restaurant in the Cave
Pic 9: Stairway to the Cave

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